The moment of truth has arrived. It is time for you to take, and pass, the CPNE®, but one question remains: Are you really ready to take this exam? Is there any way to be 100% sure that you are ready?
I am reasonably certain that nobody can offer you a magic formula that can guarantee you are ready to take the CPNE®. Just as every student is unique, so every student has to make up his or her own mind as to their preparedness. There are, however, certain things every student must know in order to take the test. Perhaps, after reading these questions and answering them honestly, you will discover just how ready you are to take the exam.
1. Can you complete all the critical elements of each lab station correctly, in order, and in the allotted time?
The study guide you received for the CPNE® has all of the critical elements listed for you. Do you know these elements in order? Can you do them quickly and correctly? Are you able to maintain asepsis while completing them? I know, that’s more than one question, but this exam is full of minute details, each of which is important for you to master in order to pass the CP NE.
2. Do you know all the critical elements to every possible assessment you may have to do?
Just like the lab stations, the assessments listed in the study guide are full of minute details you need to know. Not only must you know them, in order, but you must be able to do them. The best way to see how these elements are executed correctly is to take a good CPNE® workshop. It is the best tool you can use to study for the exam and will get you to the level of confidence you need to feel ready to test.
3. Are you comfortable and proficient with writing care plans using the NANDA?
This is another area in which a good CPNE® workshop can assist you. A well-written, applicable careplan is crucial, and you must also know how to execute and evaluate this careplan in order to succeed. If you are the least bit weak in this area, you may want to delay your exam until you learn how to manage the careplan correctly.
4. Can you chart your assessments and interventions, including the evaluation phase, in less than 30 minutes?
Timing is everything when it comes to the CPNE® and, if you cannot manage all of the paperwork in 30 minutes or less, you probably need more practice. The examiners will allot you 2 1/2 hours for each PCS and, although it may sound like a lot of time now, that time will go by quickly. Learn to do your paperwork quickly and efficiently before taking the CPNE®.
5. Do you have the appropriate clothing, reference books and equipment?
It seems like a small step, but if you don’t have all of your supplies in order, you are not ready to take this test. Wearing the proper clothing and having the proper reference materials is the easy part of this exam. Take advantage of that and be prepared.
6. Have you been evaluated on your performance of a practice lab station and a PCS?
There is one other advantage to taking a CPNE® workshop. A good workshop will make it possible for each student to return before they take the exam to do a check off with the workshop instructor. This process can ensure that each student is ready to pass the CPNE® the first time around. If you have not taken a workshop, I strongly urge you to do so. There is a lot to be said for having an expert on the subject tell you if you are ready to test.
Are you really ready? You are the only person who can answer that question. Know those critical elements, study hard, and practice, practice, practice. Then you will be sure that you are ready to pass the CPNE®.
Need a little more reassurance? Try our Online CPNE® Workshop to test your knowledge on the CPNE®. You’ll also have access to a team of expert instructors that can answer any final questions you have before you go test.
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