Tag Archives: CPNE® Workshop

How to Create CPNE® Mnemonics to Recall Critical Elements
S.M.A.R.T.S. Studying mnemonics always renders testers successful! When it comes to the CPNE®® there is a lot of information to know so it helps to use some memory tricks to make the learning process more manageable. A mnemonic is a memory aid that creates association between elements on a list. For the CPNE®®, your “lists”…

Congrats to Our CPNE® Passers!
Feeling a little overwhelmed? Unmotivated? It happens, but hang in there. You’ll have up days and down days but just remember what you’re working for. We know can do it. You’ll never forget the day you pass the CPNE®. Your “PASS” is coming and when it does, hold those papers up! Congrats to all of…

Setting Up A Mock CPNE® Lab at Home Without Bruising the Bank
A critical element to passing the CPNE® is to set up realistic practice beforehand so you’re able to get hands on experience prior to test day. Your lab stations represent the most controlled environment you will experience during your exam weekend therefore they encompass the easiest phase of the weekend to pass presuming you have…

The CPNE® Grid: Why You Need It and How to Use It
When I first started studying for the CPNE®, I have to admit I was lost. Sure, there was a lovely 500 page study guide for me to read, and I read every word. I was still lost. Then I went online and did some searching for CPNE® tips and tricks, and one of the first…

Don’t Let CPNE® Stress Take Over
We have all heard a lot of ideas on how to control stress – take a bath,get some sleep, treat yourself to a massage, take a long walk, and many more. These are all good ideas, but the stress surrounding the CPNE® is a special kind of stress. There are so many things to learn…

How To Know If You’re REALLY CPNE® Ready
The moment of truth has arrived. It is time for you to take, and pass, the CPNE®, but one question remains: Are you really ready to take this exam? Is there any way to be 100% sure that you are ready? I am reasonably certain that nobody can offer you a magic formula that can…

5 Common Reasons People Fail the CPNE®
While there are numerous things that can factor into a failure of the CPNE®, there are a handful of common mistakes that will buy you a ticket back home in short hurry. Be sure you do not make these mistakes during testing weekend. 1. Nerves. One of the most common mistakes students make during the…

Finding the Right Support System for the CPNE®
There are fewer things more challenging than the CPNE®. As you begin to study and seek out CPNE® tips and advice, you are liable to find that it will require a lot of preparation and study, thereby taking you away from your normal routines and activities. Your family and friends may start to feel a…

3 Steps to Break Down Your CPNE® Study Guide
The study guide is inherently overwhelming in all ways. It seems impossible to think that you are responsible for knowing every single piece of information in a manual that is over 500 pages long. Many students simply sit and stare at the endless amount of pages without knowing where or how to begin, if they…

20 Free Videos to Help You Pass the CPNE®
Here are 20 video tips we have put together to help you pass the CPNE®. We’ve also included the transcripts below each video so you can read the important points you should study. We hope you enjoy them and use them on your journey to CPNE® success. Best of luck to you. As always, we’re…