Category Archives: CPNE® Tips

Abdominal Assessment Post Surgery
Hey guys, it’s Sheri with ATL Clinical Workshop. I had a question online the other day where a student said, “What if my patient had surgery and they had this big, bulky dressing on their stomach, how am I supposed to do an abdominal assessment? Do I have to remove the bandage to listen to…

Vital Signs Tip
Hey, this is Sheri with ATL Clinical Workshop and a student asked me if I would give one good tip for vital signs. Now, most of us are in the medical field, we’ve been doing vital signs and then we pass the buck and the techs now do our vital signs for us, so maybe…

Setting Up A Mock CPNE® Lab at Home Without Bruising the Bank
A critical element to passing the CPNE® is to set up realistic practice beforehand so you’re able to get hands on experience prior to test day. Your lab stations represent the most controlled environment you will experience during your exam weekend therefore they encompass the easiest phase of the weekend to pass presuming you have…

The CPNE® Grid: Why You Need It and How to Use It
When I first started studying for the CPNE®, I have to admit I was lost. Sure, there was a lovely 500 page study guide for me to read, and I read every word. I was still lost. Then I went online and did some searching for CPNE® tips and tricks, and one of the first…

Don’t Let CPNE® Stress Take Over
We have all heard a lot of ideas on how to control stress – take a bath,get some sleep, treat yourself to a massage, take a long walk, and many more. These are all good ideas, but the stress surrounding the CPNE® is a special kind of stress. There are so many things to learn…

How To Know If You’re REALLY CPNE® Ready
The moment of truth has arrived. It is time for you to take, and pass, the CPNE®, but one question remains: Are you really ready to take this exam? Is there any way to be 100% sure that you are ready? I am reasonably certain that nobody can offer you a magic formula that can…