Author Archives: Administration

Abdominal Assessment Post Surgery
Hey guys, it’s Sheri with ATL Clinical Workshop. I had a question online the other day where a student said, “What if my patient had surgery and they had this big, bulky dressing on their stomach, how am I supposed to do an abdominal assessment? Do I have to remove the bandage to listen to…

Vital Signs Tip
Hey, this is Sheri with ATL Clinical Workshop and a student asked me if I would give one good tip for vital signs. Now, most of us are in the medical field, we’ve been doing vital signs and then we pass the buck and the techs now do our vital signs for us, so maybe…

Common Care Plan Mistakes During Your Clinical Weekend
Thanks for letting us into your home to help you pass the CPNE®. We know you’ve made a great choice and after watching all the video lectures and demonstrations we have to offer we know you will agree.